Saving Data to Pagico via the enhanced Command Line Interface (CLI)

Starting from Pagico 9.3, you can save new data objects to Pagico via the enhanced Command Line Interface (CLI).

Command Syntax

On macOS:

/Applications/ {options}

On Windows:

"C:\Program Files\Pagico\CodeX\external\" {options}

On Ubuntu:

/opt/pagico/CodeX/external/ {options}


Command Parameters

Please note that all the values should be base64 encoded (unless the plaintext option is set).


Type: Required. Type of the new item. Possible values are:

  • "Text", "Task", "File", "Project" or "Contact".

plaintext: Optional. To enable the use of plaintext parameter content, which doesn't support line breaks or other special character.

Project-specific parameters

Title: Required. Title of the project.

Tags: Optional. Tags of the project, separated by comma.

Category: Optional. Exact name of the desired category, which must already exist in the database.

Notes: Optional. The description content for the project.

Contact-specific parameters

Name: Required. Name of the new contact.

Tags: Optional. Tags of the contact, separated by comma.

Category: Optional. Exact name of the desired category, which must already exist in the database.

Email: Optional. Email address of the new contact.

Note-specific parameters

Title: Required. Title of the note.

Content: Optional. Body of the new note.

Target: Optional. The UID of the target container. If not provided, the new object will be saved to your Inbox.

Task-specific parameters

Title: Required. Title of the new task with NLP support. Dates and times will be automatically scanned and used if start and due are not explicitly provided.

Desc: Optional. Description of the new task.

StartDate: Optional. A string representation of the start date. This value will override the NLP results.

DueDate: Optional. A string representation of the due date. This value will override the NLP results.

Target: Optional. The UID of the target container. If not provided, the new object will be saved to your Inbox.

File-specific parameters

Path: Required. The path to the file that will be imported.

Target: Optional. The UID of the target container. If not provided, the new object will be saved to your Inbox.

Return Values

If the data object is successfully created, the UID of the object will be returned in the output. So you can first create a project, and use the return UID value to subsequently save notes and tasks to the newly created project.


To create a new project:

/Applications/ plaintext=1 Type="Project" Title="Product Brochure Design" Tags="design, 2020"

To create a new task for tomorrow:

/Applications/ plaintext=1 Type="Task" Title="Pick up grocery tomorrow" DueDate="tomorrow"

To create a new task and take advantage of the NLP capability:

/Applications/ plaintext Type="Task" Title="Create UI mockups from Monday to Wednesday"

To create a new note without the plaintext option (parameter values are base64 encoded for better support of line breaks):

/Applications/ Type="VGV4dA==" Title="SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==" Content="SGVyZSBpcyB0aGUgYm9keSBvZiB0aGUgbm90ZQ=="
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