Starting a Team Package and Setting It Up

For Team Leaders:

Step 1: Starting a New Team Package

Pagico Team Package can be initiated and ready to use instantly. The team leader can start a Pagico Team Package trial by clicking here. This will start a 30-day free usage period with no payment needed. During this period, the workspace will automatically resize as the users join the workspace (i.e. new members will not be blocked out of the workspace due to user capacity settings).

Step 2: Adding and Managing Users

Once the Team Package has been started, the team leader can sign in to his/her Pagico ID account (click here), click on the Invite New Users button under the Team Sync workspace to invite users via email addresses.


By inviting users, our server will automatically send out a welcome email to the recipients with instructions on installing Pagico, their own Pagico licenses, and how to connect to the Team Sync workspace. To cancel invitations, resend invitations, or to remove users (and revoke their licenses), log on to the Pagico ID portal and click on the Manage Members button.

Alternatively, the team leader can also invite users from within Pagico. To do so, please click on the Team Sync item from the sidebar, then click on the "+" button in the Teammates card.



Once a user is a member of your team's workspace, all his devices will be able to connect to the workspace without needing further invitations. Invitations will be invalidated as soon as they are used, so used invitation codes will not be used to gain unauthorized access to your team's workspace. If a member is removed by the team leader, this user will be disconnected from the team's workspace on all his devices momentarily.

For Team Users:

Joining the Team Workspace

When you receive the workspace invitation from your team leader, you can join the team workspace to start syncing data. Generally speaking, you need to perform two steps:

  1. Install Pagico on your computer
  2. Join your team's workspace using the workspace invitation code

If you have not installed Pagico on your system yet, please click here to download. Then, when prompted to activate, please enter the Team Code from the workspace invitation email.

If you have already installed Pagico on your system, please follow these steps to join your team's workspace:

  1. Click on the Teams item from the sidebar
  2. Click on the "+" button in the main area, and choose "Join an existing workspace"
  3. Copy the Team Code* from your workspace invitation email and paste it into the Invitation Code field, then hit ENTER.

* Please note that this is not your Pagico license activation code, which looks like (PGCO-XXXXXXX). Your Team Code (also known as invitation code) should look like "W-XXXXXXX".


Still have questions?

Reach out to us and we can schedule a web call to help you get things set up right away.

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