Conducting Daily (or Nightly) Planning with the Rapid Day Planner (Today View)

Note: This article describes the new Today View available starting from the September 2024 Update of Pagico.

One of the proven productivity technique, originally known as the Ivy Lee Method, is to focus on one day at a time, or conduct daily planning on the night before. To fully support this routine, Pagico has a feature designed just for this purpose, and it's called the Rapid Day Planner (also known as the Today view). By default, this view is set to open automatically at launch, but you can also bring it up by clicking on the Today button in the toolbar.

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 1.46.05 PM.png

The Rapid Day Planner view offers you a focused, minimalist and informative status of your day, including everything for the current day, things coming up tomorrow, and a short Backlog section featuring things overdue within the past 2 weeks.

The Rapid Day Planner.png

Planning Your Day

Creating your daily todos in the Rapid Day Planner is as easy as typing them out like plain text. Just hit ENTER to get started, then type out your task. To create another new task after the current one, just hit ENTER.

Setting the Due Date/Time

Natural Language Processing is enabled for the task title field, so if you included date and time information in the title, Pagico will automatically set the due field. If it's something that needs to be done "today", then you can leave the due field blank.

Setting the Save Destination

By default, tasks are saved to Inbox (if the save destination field is left blank). You can certainly set a specific project or contact by typing a few characters in the Save To... field and use the auto-complete capability to quickly make your selection.

Indent / Outdent

You can create multiple levels of subtasks by indenting the tasks. To indent the task you are currently editing, use the keyboard shortcut Cmd+] (or Ctrl+]). To reduce the indentation level of the task you are currently editing, use the keyboard shortcut Cmd+[ (or Ctrl+[).

Moving Tasks Up and Down

You can also move the task you are currently editing up or down in the same list. To move the current task down by one item, use the keyboard shortcut Cmd+Down (or Ctrl+Down). To move the current task up, use the keyboard shortcut Cmd+Up (or Ctrl+Up).

Task Creation Behaviors

Pagico stores all the information temporarily in memory to avoid latency caused by the saving process. All the changes will be saved upon exiting the Day Planner view. But if the Day Planner view isn't closed, the changes are saved in the background every 2 minutes.

When Pagico creates the tasks, it will create individual tasks for the save destination that you selected. If multiple consecutive new tasks belong to the same save target, Pagico will combine them into a single list for optimal usability. 

Moving Tasks across Containers

You can clear the save target value of a task item and set a new one. This essentially will move the task from the original container to the newly specified container. During the task move, Pagico will first delete the task from the original container before creating a new individual task in the new save target.

Rescheduling Tasks via Drag and Drop

You can easily reschedule tasks by moving them into the corresponding list (Today, or Tomorrow). By dropping a task into a new list, the due date will be automatically updated to match the list. This is particularly helpful when you need to move things from the Backlog into the Today or Tomorrow list, or when you need to move things from Today to Tomorrow. Alternatively, you can also reschedule things by dragging and dropping events from the Hourly view on the left.

Toggling between the Month Grid and the 2-Day Hourly View

The Rapid Day Planner view provides you a monthly grid view or a 1-day/2-day hourly view. You can switch between the two modes using the switch toggle. Please note that the Hourly View may show you a 1-day or 2-day view based on the space available to it. You can drag the divider to adjust the size of the task panel on the right.

Rapid Day Planner - Toggling View Modes - Short.gif


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