Do you have a routine set of tasks that you need to perform with certain type of contacts, such as new clients? With the Automated Workflow feature, you can streamline your work and let Pagico create these routine tasks for you. For example, the sample workflow below lets Pagico automatically create a set of routine actions on a new client. The actions include recording the initiation date of the client, the setting of contact category, the sending of a welcome email, and some follow-up tasks.
The Video Tutorial
The How-To
- Go to your Workflow Editor, then create a new workflow.
- Create a trigger for "Contact Info Changed". In the filter conditions section, set "Metadata" to match "Type: Client". With this trigger, any contact that is updated with the metadata property "Type: Client" will invoke this workflow.
- Create an action "Send Email". Configure the email subject and body but leave the "Which contact" and "Email Address" fields unset. With this action, an automated email will be sent to the contact object from the previous step.
- Create an action "New List", set its title to "Action Items". This action will create a new list in the contact object, and the new list object will be passed on to the steps below as the result of this action.
- Create another action "New List Item", set the title to "Client Added", the Due Date to "today", and set "Status" to "ON". This action will create a new list item with the due date being the date of the workflow execution and mark it as completed.
- Create another action "New List Item", set the title to "Send anniversary note" and due date to "+1 year". This action will create a new list item with a due date of 1 year from the time of workflow execution.
- Add any additional actions that you need by repeating step 7.
Things to Know
Email: Recipient's Name is auto filled when possible.
For the Send Email action in Step 3, if the contact object (from Step 2) has the name properly configured, then Pagico will automatically add a "Dear {name}," line at the top of the automatically generated email message.
Take advantage of the action results.
Each trigger and action pass on their result to the next action. For example, the trigger of this sample workflow passes on the contact object, which actions from step 3 and 4 use. The action in step 4 returns the List object, which is then used by steps 5 - 7. So, if you wish to add a "Set category" action on the contact, this action should be inserted before step 4 above. If it was added after the list item actions, then the category will be set on the List object instead. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the action results so that the workflows work as intended.