Display tasks on your desktop (macOS)

This article shows you how to display your ToDo lists (tasks) on your desktop, with the help of a free 3rd party application called GeekTool.

About GeekTool

The GeekTool is a free, 3rd party application that allows you to place command line data (and more) onto your desktop.

Step 1: Make sure you have the latest version of Pagico installed.

Step 2: Download and install the latest version of GeekTool: (websitedownload page)

Step 3: Add a new “Shell” Geeklet (a panel that displays information on your desktop)

To do so, you need to use the GeekTool panel located in your System Preferences panel. In the GeekTool panel, drag a “Shell” type Geeklet on to your desktop.


Step 4: Configure the Geeklet to display the desired information from Pagico CLI Tasks Plugin.

Select the Geeklet, and “Command” input box, copy and paste one of the following commands:


Display Tasks due today:

  • /Applications/Pagico.app/Contents/Resources/Pagico/external/tasks.mac.sh today=1

Display Tasks due today and tomorrow:

  • /Applications/Pagico.app/Contents/Resources/Pagico/external/tasks.mac.sh today=1 tomorrow=1

Display incomplete tasks in Inbox:

  • /Applications/Pagico.app/Contents/Resources/Pagico/external/tasks.mac.sh inbox=1

Display all overdue tasks:

  • /Applications/Pagico.app/Contents/Resources/Pagico/external/tasks.mac.sh overdue=1

Step 5: Set the auto-refresh timer by entering a number (of seconds), and set the font style by clicking on the “Style” button to make sure the text suits your wallpaper. Also you might want to adjust the position and size of the Geeklet by dragging it around.

For advanced users

The options are separated with a single space, and they can be used together in any order. So, for example, to display all four sections (today, tomorrow, inbox, and overdue), you can use:

  • /Applications/Pagico.app/Contents/Resources/Pagico/external/tasks.mac.sh today=1 tomorrow=1 inbox=1 overdue=1

Additionally, you can create multiple Geeklets placed in different spots and font style with different options to suit your needs.

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