Using the Smart Collection feature, you can create context lists based on the use of tags.
Step 1: Tag items properly
In Pagico, everything can be tagged. Just use the @tag syntax in places such as notes, task titles and descriptions, etc. It is recommended to tag tasks based on location (e.g.: @office) or type (e.g.: @phone-call). For example, you can create a new task like this:
Fax the documents @office
Or you can write tags in any existing items (notes, lists, and files).
Step 2: Create a Smart Collection for tags
Simply click on the down arrow icon near the “+” button in the toolbar, and choose the “New Collection” option. In the popup panel, give the collection a title, select the “Smart Collection” option, and write down the keyword (e.g. @office, with the @ symbol) that you want to track. It’s recommended that you title the collection the same as the tag you’re using (for instance, title it as @office as well).
Once the collection is created, Pagico will scan through your database and list everything that’s tagged with the specified keyword.
Want more (finer) control? Use multiple tags.
If needed, you can actually use multiple tags to mark a single item. For example, here’s a sample task that involves sending legal documents:
Fax the document @office @legal
And since legal documents are a big deal, you might want to set up a smart collection to keep track of all the items tagged with both the @office and @legal keywords. In this case, simply create a (or edit an existing) smart collection, and put in multiple tags in the Keywords field like this:
@office, @legal
When using multiple keywords, be sure to include the @ symbols, and use comma (,) to separate keywords. This gives you finer control over how items are collected based on keywords. This way, you can easily set up a smart collection for things tagged as @office + @legal, and another for things tagged as @office + @phone-call, etc.